Understanding Your Work Style: Finding What Works for You

Understanding Your Work Style

The more a person knows and understands about his or her work style, the more that person can improve performance in productivity and job satisfaction. Everybody has preferences or habits in their manner or style in the way each one does things and functions within their task and dealings or relations with fellow colleagues as well as time management. So, by knowing and embracing one’s work style, it leads one to an environment for success and well-being. This article examines various work styles, characteristics, and finding what suits you best.

What is Work Style

Work style refers to how an individual manages the manner in which they take their work responsibilities; may be the method used, interacting with others, solving a problem or handling specific matters. The aspect features the individual preference, practice, and competence.

  • An awareness of the work styles leads to increasing productivity.
  • Knowledge of work styles results in effective work co operation

Knowing Work Style

It helps you identify your work style so that your tasks are aligned along your natural tendencies. Such alignment can lead you to improve your efficiency and satisfaction in the completion of work.

  • A clear understanding of one’s work style can increase self-confidence.
  • It enables tailoring of the work environment to your favor.
Source: Understanding Your Work Style

Common Work Styles

There are several common work styles, such as analytical, driver, expressive, and amiable. Each type has distinct characteristics and approaches to tasks.

  • Analytical types work with data and logic.
  • The expressive types like to be involved in social life and creativity.

Analytical Working Style

Those who are of analytical working style, they collect data and analyze information and then decide on it. They are the ones who love a structured environment and well-defined rules and regulations in the task they perform.

  • They are very good at problem-solving and critical thinking.
  • Analytical workers enjoy tasks related to research.

Driver Working Style

Driver work style people are goal-getting and love the challenge of things. Often assertive, competitive, and enjoy leading projects.

  • Drivers focus on efficiency and results achievement.
  • They can be decisive, but tend to miss the details.

Expressive Work Style

Expressive workers are creative and enthusiastic. They enjoy brainstorming new ideas. These workers are very effective in collaborative settings and often strong in communication.

  • They bring energy and innovation to teams.
  • Expressive people value relationships and team dynamics.

Amiable Work Style

Those who are amiable value interpersonal harmony at the workplace. They tend to be helpful, considerate, and even seek accord among coworkers.

  • They execute well on teamwork and interpersonal communication.
  • Amiable employees are good listeners and negotiators.
Source: Understanding Your Work Style

Measuring Work Style

The work style of a person can be ascertained by considering what a person likes and dislikes and how they behave or respond to different work-life situations. A self-check list can be prepared based upon questionnaires, for example.

  • Recording your experience would allow you to observe trends about your work style.
  • You could use DISC assessment or other such tool as guide

Adapting Working Condition

If you now have knowledge about your work style, then you can easily amend your work environment for improved meeting of needs. Adjust the way you use and see space, tools and your routines.

  • Establish an appropriate work space, removing distracting objects
  • Take up relevant technology and other apparatus for increasing efficiency.

Communicating About Work Style

Sharing your work style with your colleagues and supervisors can make it easier to collaborate and understand each other in the team. Open communication brings about a supportive work environment.

  • Talking about preferences makes the expectations of the team members more aligned.
  • Transparency breeds respect and cooperation.


You should be able to recognize your work style, but flexibility is just as important. Flexibility can make you adapt to different situations and work styles, making you more effective.

  • Flexibility enables you to work effectively with various teams.
  • This stimulates development and flexibility in every feature.

Continuous Self-Improvement

A working style is not an overnight masterpiece. Continuously learn your habits and tastes while on the job and this will help you not lose the way.

  • Observe the areas that require development
  • Get peer comments and observe the other fields in which you may develop.
This video is from CareerVidz


This will enable you to maximize your work and achieve job satisfaction. You will know your strength and weaknesses, which are a good foundation for designing the working environment best for you to achieve. You’ll be flexible and able to learn and improve on yourself for handling different situations, cooperating well with people, and pushing your career.


How to Answer “What is Your Work Style?

Think about how you undertake task and teamwork when answering “What is your work style?” Reflect on whether you are a structured or flexible person, hence outlining key traits, and examples. Tailor your response to fit the role and the company culture.

How Do I Determine My Work Style?

Reflect on your preferences in working style and apply both self-assessment tools, seeking feedback from other colleagues as well. Maintain a work journal of your experience in the workplace and experiment in the use of different approaches which seem to enhance one’s productivity.

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