Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Welcome to Pakrozi.com!

Sure! Here’s a user-friendly version of the terms and conditions:

Welcome to Pak Rozi’s Website! Before you start using our website at https://pakrozi.com/, please take a moment to read and understand the rules and regulations that govern its use. By accessing and using our website, you are agreeing to follow these terms and conditions. If you don’t agree with any of these terms, please refrain from using Pakrozi.com. When we mention “Client,” “You,” or “Your,” we are referring to you – the person using our website and agreeing to follow our terms. “The Company,” “Ourselves,” “We,” “Our,” and “Us” all refer to our company that operates Pak Rozi’s Website. “Party,” “Parties,” or “Us” means both you (the Client) and us (the Company) together.

All these terms are about how we offer our services to you and how you accept and pay for them, if applicable. It’s all in line with the laws of Pakistan.Make sure to also read our Privacy Statement and Disclaimer Notice. They explain how we handle your data and contain important information about using our website and services. If you have any questions or concerns about these terms and conditions, feel free to contact us. We’re here to help! Enjoy using Pak Rozi’s Website!


  • At Pak Rozi’s Website, we use cookies to enhance your browsing experience. By accessing Pakrozi.com, you agree to the use of cookies in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
  • Cookies are small files that are stored on your device when you visit our website. They help us remember your preferences and provide a more personalized experience during your visits. Many interactive websites use cookies for similar purposes.
  • These cookies enable specific features on our website, making it more convenient for you to navigate and use certain areas. Additionally, some of our affiliate and advertising partners may also use cookies to improve their services.
  • Rest assured that we prioritize your privacy, and the use of cookies is in line with our Privacy Policy. If you have any questions or concerns about our use of cookies, please refer to our Privacy Policy or feel free to contact us.


Pak Rozi’s Website contains materials that are protected by intellectual property rights owned by Pak Rozi and/or its licensors. All rights to these materials are reserved. You may access and use the content on Pakrozi.com for your personal use, but there are some restrictions you need to follow as outlined in these terms and conditions.

You must not engage in the following actions:

  1. Republish, reproduce or distribute any material from Pakrozi.com.
  2. Sell, rent, or sub-license any material from Pakrozi.com.
  3. Duplicate or copy any material from Pakrozi.com.
  4. Redistribute the content from Pakrozi.com to others.

Certain areas of the website allow users to post comments and share opinions and information. Pak Rozi does not filter, edit, or review these comments before they appear on the website. The views and opinions expressed in the comments belong to the individuals who post them and not necessarily to Pak Rozi, its agents, or affiliates. Pak Rozi will not be held liable for the content of the comments or any damages resulting from their use.

By posting comments on Pakrozi.com, you grant Pak Rozi a non-exclusive license to use, reproduce, edit, and authorize others to use, reproduce, and edit your comments in any form, format, or media. If any comments are found to be inappropriate, offensive, or in breach of these terms and conditions, Pak Rozi reserves the right to monitor and remove such comments. Please make sure to adhere to these rules when using the website and posting comments to ensure a positive and respectful experience for all users.

Content Liability

We want to make it clear that we are not responsible for any content that appears on our website, Pak Rozi’s Website. The content displayed here is for general information purposes only, and we do not endorse or guarantee the accuracy or reliability of any information provided by third parties.By using our website, you agree to protect and defend us against any claims or actions that may arise from your use of the website.

This means that you will not hold us liable for any issues or disputes that may arise between you and third parties based on the content or information on our website. We also ask that you do not create any links to our website from other websites that could be seen as libelous, obscene, or promoting criminal activities. Additionally, please refrain from linking to any content that may infringe upon or violate the rights of third parties. We strive to maintain a positive and respectful online environment and expect our users to adhere to these guidelines as well.

Reservation of Rights

We want to let you know that we have the right to request the removal of any links to our website, Pak Rozi’s Website, for any reason we deem necessary. If we ask you to remove any links, you agree to do so promptly and without any objection.

Additionally, we reserve the right to make changes to these terms and conditions, as well as our linking policy, at any time. By continuing to link to our website, you agree to be bound by and comply with these updated linking terms and conditions.

It’s essential to stay informed about these terms and any changes to ensure you are in compliance with our policies when linking to our website. Thank you for understanding and cooperating with our linking policy.


Removal of links from our website

  • If you find any link on our website, Pak Rozi’s Website, offensive or objectionable, please don’t hesitate to contact us and let us know.
  • While we will consider requests to remove such links, it’s important to understand that we aren’t obligated to do so, and we may not directly respond to your request.
  • We want to make it clear that we can’t guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information on this website. The content is meant for general information purposes and may not always be entirely up-to-date or accurate.
  • Additionally, we can’t promise that the website will always be available without interruptions or errors.
  • While we do our best to maintain content quality and accuracy, we encourage users to use their judgment and verify information from other sources when necessary.
  • We are dedicated to enhancing our website’s content and appreciate your understanding in this regard.




  • We want to clarify that we don’t make any promises or guarantees about the accuracy, reliability, or usefulness of our website or its content.
  • When you use our website, you do so at your own risk, and we aren’t responsible for any consequences that may arise from its use.
  • It’s important to understand that this disclaimer doesn’t affect our liability or your liability in cases involving death or personal injury, fraudulent misrepresentation, or any other legal responsibilities that can’t be excluded under the law.
  • The limitations and restrictions on liability in this disclaimer apply to all situations covered by the disclaimer, including those related to contracts, torts, and statutory obligations.
  • Since our website and the information and services it provides are offered for free, we can’t be held responsible for any kind of loss or damage resulting from its use.
  • We advise users to use their own judgment and seek professional advice if needed. While we strive to provide accurate and helpful information, we cannot guarantee error-free content or uninterrupted website availability.