Join LIPTON Teas and Infusions as a Data Specialist for a 6-month Contract in Karachi

Join LIPTON Teas and Infusions in Karachi as a Data Specialist. Be part of the Vendor Data Governance Project team, responsible for data validation, enrichment, and vendor classification. Utilize your expertise in Data Management and proficiency in Microsoft Excel and Power BI to make a significant impact on the organization’s data processes. At LIPTON Teas and Infusions, we strongly believe in promoting equity, inclusion, and diversity.


Key Responsibilities:

  • Join the Vendor Data Governance Project team and take on a crucial role as a Data Specialist.
  • Identify suppliers to be excluded from the list.
  • Determine redundant supplier groups, such as UL L/E legacy suppliers, those used only once, or not used for a considerable time (confirmed by users), and easily replaceable by incumbent suppliers.
  • Collaborate with users to validate local suppliers and work with procurement teams to validate global suppliers.
  • Ensure critical fields for remaining suppliers, such as banking information, PT, payment method, email addresses, and tax identification, are validated.
  • Enrich the data by adding missing important fields like POC Names, contact numbers, addresses, etc.
  • Categorize vendors based on procurement categories and global/local distinctions.


Skills & Experience:

  • Join the team as a Data Specialist at LIPTON Teas and Infusions in Karachi.
  • Possess a Bachelor’s Degree in Data/Analytics, Computer Science, or a related field.
  • Have a solid experience of 3+ years in Data Management.
  • Proficiently work with Microsoft Excel and Power BI tools.



Join LIPTON Teas and Infusions as a Data Specialist
Join LIPTON Teas and Infusions as a Data Specialist



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